Showing 25–36 of 99 results

Diascia Red Miracle

Showing a bright red coloured flowers all through the summer, this is an ideal addition to a cottage style garden, at the front. Ideally needs a sunny location. Height 20 cm. Spread 20 cm.

Diascia Ruby Field

With its evergreen, glossy foliage and its salmon-pink flowers this is certainly worthwhile. Ideal as colourful edging or front of cottage style border. Height 20 cm. Spread 20 cm.

Diascia White Miracle

All through late spring and summer this plant will give you plenty of white flowers. Good as edging or front of the border. Height 20 cm. Spread 20 cm.

Dracocephalum grandiflorum

This dense and bushy plant is well suited to the rockery or the front of your border. Intense blue flowers, shaped like a dragons head, appear in summer. Height 30 cm. Spread 30 cm

Erodium castellanum

With its unusual bright pink flowers placed well above its fuzzy Fernslike foliage this is a good addition to a sunny rockery. Height 15 cm. Spread 20 cm.

Erodium chrysanthmum

Mostly grown for its lacy silver grey foliage, which will look well in any rockery. The yellow flowers will appear in Spring. Best planted in a sunny spot. Height 15 cm. Spread 20 cm.

Erysimum suff Goldstaub

A compact grower, dark green foliage showing all year. Its bright golden yellow flowerspikes are set well above foliage and carry a spicy scent all summer. Height 25 cm. Spread 20 cm.

Euphorbia myrsinites

The blueish-green leaves makes you think this is a succulent. It is best positioned in a sunny rockery where its yellow flowers will show in spring early summer. Height 20 cm. Spread 15 cm.

Felicia amelloides

Eye-catching where ever you will plant it. The sky blue  daisy  flowers are borne well above the foliage, brightening the day. Height 30 cm. Spread 30 cm.

Helianthemum Ben Fhada

An evergreen addition for the rockery, front of border or walls. Single yellow flowers with orange eye against silver-green foliage  in early summer. Second flush in late summer. Height 20 cm. Spread 40 cm.

Helianthemum Ben Hope

A long flowering variety and a good spreader. Crimson pink flowers with golden centre have crinkled petals and will cover the entire plant in spring. Height 20 cm. Spread 60 cm.

Helianthemum Ben More

Deep orange flowers will appear all summer covering this neat and compact, evergreen plant that needs a place in the sun. Height 20 cm. Spread 35 cm.