David Austin® English Roses are outstanding Roses. They are popular for their fragrance and repeat flowering.

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Rosa ‘James Galway’

Rosa 'James Galway' (Auscrystal) David Austin® English Rose. An outstanding climbing English rose with strikingly beautiful mid-pink flowers from June to September. Mid green foliage. A repeat flowering rose. Can reach up to 375cm in height.

Rosa ‘Lady of Shalott’

Rosa 'Lady of Shalott' (Ausnyson) David Austin® English Rose. Striking rose with beautiful orange flowers with outer petals salmon-pink that appear on a slightly arching stem from June to September. Slight tea fragrance. Mid green foliage. Height and spread 125 cm.

Rosa ‘St. Swithun’

Rosa 'St. Swithun' (Auswith) David Austin® English Rose. A short and vigorous climbing English rose with saucer-like blooms of soft pink frilly petals from June to September with grey-green foliage. A scented repeat flowering rose. Can reach up to 300cm in height.

Rosa ‘The Albrighton Rambler’

Rosa 'The Albrighton Rambler' (Ausmobile) David Austin® English Rose. A beautiful rambling rose with outstanding pale pink double flowers, which can fade to white, from mid-Summer to Autumn. A scented repeat flowering rose. Can reach up to 375cm in height.

Rosa ‘Wollerton Old Hall’

Rosa 'Wollerton Old Hall' (Ausblanket) David Austin® English Rose. An amazingly scented English climber with intense hints of citrus. The buds open to beautifully rounded pale apricot- cream flowers. A repeat flowering rose. Can reach up to 375cm in height.