Showing 13–19 of 19 results

Rosa ‘Sir John Betjeman’

Rosa 'Sir John Betjeman' (Ausvivid) David Austin® English Rose. A classic repeat-flowering English shrub rose. Its small buds open to large, crimson-red double rosettes which have a dome shape. Its colour gradually intensifies becoming more vivid which is an unusual characteristic for an English rose. Flowers have a mild fresh scent. Can reach a maximum height of 125cm.  

Rosa ‘The Alnwick® Rose’

Rosa 'The Alnwick® Rose' (Ausgrab) David Austin® English Rose. A bushy upright shrub with plentiful, glossy green foliage. Beautiful soft pink flowers with many petals bloom in flushes from early summer until the first frost. Blooms have a rich old rose fragrance with hints of raspberry.  Can reach a maximum height of 125cm.  

Rosa ‘The Ancient Mariner’

Rosa 'The Ancient Mariner' (Ausoutcry) David Austin® English Rose. An impressive English shrub rose, bearing masses of large blooms on a bushy upright shrub. Glowing mid pink petals in plentiful forming beautiful flowers with a strong attractive fragrance. Can reach a maximum height of 125cm.  

Rosa ‘The Lady Gardener’

Rosa 'The Lady Gardener' (Ausbrass) David Austin® English Rose. Beautiful large rosettes with loosely arranged petals form above mid green foliage which sits on red stems. These flowers are an amazing shade of apricot and begin to pale towards the edge of each petal. has a lovely tea fragrance with hints of vanilla. Can reach a maximum height of 125cm.  

Rosa ‘The Mill on the Floss’

Rosa 'The Mill on the Floss' (Austulliver) David Austin® English Rose. A bushy English shrub clothed in glossy green foliage. Beautiful large clusters of neat deeply cupped blooms which are initially mid-pink almost lilac, pale as they open. They have a sweet fruity fragrance. Can reach a maximum height of 140cm.  

Rosa ‘Thomas A. Beckett’

Rosa 'Thomas A. Beckett' (Auswinston) David Austin® English Rose. A very different variety of English Roses as it is more natural and shrubby in growth. Its flowers are a striking crimson-red and have an attractive old rose fragrance with a strong hint of lemon zest. Can reach a maximum height of 140cm.  

Rosa ‘Tranquility’

Rosa 'Tranquility' (Ausnoble) David Austin® English Rose. A bushy and upright shrub rose, clothed in light green foliage which curves out in a most attractive manner. The buds are appear a light yellow however they open to beautifully rounded pure white flowers. Can reach a maximum height of 125cm.