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Semi-evergreen perennial with attractive foliage, and insignificant red-tipped green flowers. Height 70 cm. Leaves are used in salads, cheese, soups, fish sauces and drinks. Do not cook. Plant in a sunny position.

French Tarragon

Kitchen herb for containers, window boxes or herb garden in full sun. Leaves have a peppery taste. Used for flavoring chicken, fish and egg dishes. Medicinally used internally for indigestion and for worms in children. Height 90 cm.

Lemon Grass

Cymbopogon Citratus Perennial grass. Fragrant leaves. Stalks are used to flavour dishes but are removed before serving. Height 90cm.

Mint Applemint Variegated

Attractive white variegated leaves. Plant in sunny position. Used for mint sauce or tea. Height 70cm.

Mint Eau de Cologne

Mentha citrata excellent in pot-pourri. Height 50cm

Mint Gingermint

Mentha x gentilis, lilac flowers, slight flavour of ginger Variegated foliage. Height 90 cm.

Mint Peppermint

Mentha piperita Prefers moist site. Used culinary in mint sauce, mint-jelly and salads. Height 90cm.

Mint Spearmint

Leaves are used in mint sauce, with peas and potatoes or used as mint tea. Height 90cm.

Mint Swiss Spearmint

Strong-flavoured variety of spearmint. Leaves are used in mint sauce, with peas and potatoes or used as mint tea. Height 90 cm.

Rocket Salad

Eruca sativa Annual herb. Use young foliage and flowers in salads and sauces. Height 80 cm.


A popular herb in sausages, stuffing, and roast. Height 60 cm. Lilac-blue flower May-June. Sunny position, free-draining soil.