
Showing all 8 results

Mint Applemint Variegated

Attractive white variegated leaves. Plant in sunny position. Used for mint sauce or tea. Height 70cm.

Mint Eau de Cologne

Mentha citrata excellent in pot-pourri. Height 50cm

Mint Garden

Mentha sachalinensis. Ideal mint for tea or sauces. Green leaves with mint scent and taste. Height 45cm.

Mint Gingermint

Mentha x gentilis, lilac flowers, slight flavour of ginger Variegated foliage. Height 90 cm.

Mint Moroccan

Dark foliage. Can be used same as spearmint in mint-sauce, with peas and potatoes. Height 60 cm, good flavour and scent.

Mint Peppermint

Mentha piperita Prefers moist site. Used culinary in mint sauce, mint-jelly and salads. Height 90cm.

Mint Spearmint

Leaves are used in mint sauce, with peas and potatoes or used as mint tea. Height 90cm.

Mint Swiss Spearmint

Strong-flavoured variety of spearmint. Leaves are used in mint sauce, with peas and potatoes or used as mint tea. Height 90 cm.