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Rosa ‘Claire Austin’

Rosa 'Claire Austin' (Ausprior) David Austin® English Rose. An outstanding climbing English rose with beautiful large creamy-white flowers from July to October. Flowers have a strong fragrance. Mid-green foliage. Can reach up to 375cm in height.

Rosa ‘Princess Alexandra of Kent’

Rosa 'Princess Alexandra of Kent' (Ausmerchant) David Austin® English Rose. An eye-catching English shrub rose with unusually large rosettes of beautiful bright pink flowers that are full-petaled, from summer to autumn. Flowers have a lovely strong tea fragrance along with hints of lemon and eventually taking on hints of blackcurrant. Can reach up to 125cm in height.  

Rosa ‘The Pilgrim’®

Rosa 'The Pilgrim' (Auswalker) David Austin® English Rose. A climbing English rose with beautiful blooms of soft yellow flowers. The perfect plant to brighten up any garden. Has a strong aromatic scent. Can reach up to 375cm in height.