Showing 13–24 of 61 results

Gazania rigens splendens

Mostly grown for its cheery, absolutely huge orange flowers, which appear right through the summer. Only completely hardy in coastal areas. Height 10 cm. Spread 30 cm.

Hosta sieb. Frances Williams

The large heart-shaped leaves are blue-green at the centre with golden-green margins. Off-white flowers in middle to late summer. Height 70 cm. Spread 100 cm.

Houstonia coerulea

This is  a low, creeping mat with tiny green leaves. It will be smothered by tiny star shaped light blue flowers in late spring-early summer. Height 7 cm. Spread 25 cm.

Lithodora diff Compacta

The delicate sky blue flowers will brighten the whole summer season. This evergreen plants loves an acid position and will take any sun it can get. Height 10 cm. Spread 20 cm.

Lysimachia numm. Aurea

Creeping Jenny. Creeping stems bear yellow foliage. Bright yellow flowers in Summer. Sunny position, well draining soil. Height 5cm.

Lysimachia nummularia

Creeping Jenny Prostrate habit, green foliage. Excellent groundcover. Many bright yellow flowers in Summer. Height 5 cm.

Mint Black Peppermint

Used for flavouring. Strong flavour. Dark foliage. Plant in warm, sheltered, shady positions. Height 100cm.

Mint Chocolate

Likes sunny to  partial shade, a fast groundcover smelling of chocolate. Height 100cm.

Mint Creeping Corsican mint

Evergreen, carpet forming perennial. Minty smell when walked over. Sun or partial shade, moist soil. Height 1 cm

Mint Curley

Suitable for tea, mint-sauce, mint-jelly and mint-butter. Nice curley foliage for garnishing. Height 100cm.

Mint Indian

Height 10 cm, Luscious green foliage, reddish brown on reverse of foliage. Vigorous growth. Suitable for hanging baskets.

Oxalis chrysantha

Creeping. Half-hardy. Forms mats of clover-like foliage. Funnel-shaped, bright yellow flowers in Summer. Needs a sheltered position. Height 5 cm.