Showing 13–21 of 21 results

Phyllostachys bisettii

Suitable for all locations, well adapted to cold climates. Height to 600 cm. Suitable for hedging or solitary clump.

Phyllostachys flexuosa

Height to 500 cm. Very hardy bamboo which grows well under rough conditions. Suitable for clump. trimmed or untrimmed hedge. Gracious foliage.

Phyllostachys nigra punctata

Black Bamboo Height to 600 cm. Completely hardy -17ºC Black, glossy stems.

Phyllostachys rivalis

Upright, graceful foliage. Height 3-4 metres.

Phyllostachys vivax Aureocaulis

Height 4-6 metres. The golden yellow clums are decorated with vertical green stripes of varying thickness. Hardy.

Sasaella mas albostriata

Height to 150cm. Suitable for all locations. Hardy. Variegated foliage, especially bright in Spring. Suitable for solitary planting, clump, border or pot.

Semiarundinaria fastuosa

Height to 800 cm. Suitable for all locations. Hardy. Suitable for hedge, windbreak, and isolated clump. Young edible shoots.

Semiarundinaria viridis

Upright bamboo and good for screening. Dark green leaves likes sun or shade. Height 800 cm.

Stipa gigantea

Golden Oats Evergreen. Height 250 cm. Elegant flowers in Summer which last until Winter.