Showing 13–18 of 18 results

Pseudosasa japonica

Arrow Bamboo. Olive-green culms. Deep green glossy leaves. Height up to 600cm. Dense growth. Very hardy requires moist soil.

Pseudosasa japonica Tsutsumiana

Interesting bamboo, on larger culms internodes, expands giving a curved, bottle like effect. Height 4-6 meters.

Sasa palmata Nebulosa

Height 2-3 m. Withstand -18ºC. Long, shiny leaves. Grows in very attractive curved clumps. Suitable clump, hedge or undergrowth.

Semiarundinaria fastuosa

Height to 800 cm. Suitable for all locations. Hardy. Suitable for hedge, windbreak, and isolated clump. Young edible shoots.

Semiarundinaria viridis

Upright bamboo and good for screening. Dark green leaves likes sun or shade. Height 800 cm.

Stipa gigantea

Golden Oats Evergreen. Height 250 cm. Elegant flowers in Summer which last until Winter.